





● 商事仲裁

● 各类合同纠纷、侵权纠纷、权属纠纷、不当得利纠纷和无因管理纠纷

● 股权纠纷

● 保险纠纷

● 票据纠纷

● 婚姻家庭纠纷、继承纠纷

● 特别程序案件(如公示催告案件、认定公民无民事行为能力案件等)

● 行政复议、行政诉讼、国家赔偿

Representing the clients to appear in the civil & commercial litigation/arbitration and the administrative

proceeding is our traditional and basic business. FORD lawyers are experienced and professional in

the dispute resolution and have accumulated precious experience and good reputation in this field.

Our Expertise

* Commercial Litigation/ Arbitration

* Disputes over contract, tort or ownership, unjust enrichment or negotiorum gestio

* Disputes over share ownership

* Disputes over insurance

* Disputes over negotiable instrument

* Family disputes including marriage disputes and inheritance disputes

* Special procedure such as procedure of public summons for exhortation, the declaration of the civil

capacity of a citizen

(incompetent or limited capacity in civil conduct)

* Administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation, the State Compensation