



刑事诉讼及相关业务是孚道的基本业务之一,拥有专业的刑事辩护律师。代理机关、企业和事业单位就职员的职务犯罪行为向国家有关机关控诉,接受犯罪嫌 疑人及其家属的委托,孚道为犯罪嫌疑人提供辩护、取保候审、申诉和控告等服务,调查和收集犯罪嫌疑人无罪或罪轻的各类证据,以维护犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益。


● 代理机关、企业和事业单位就职员的职务犯罪行为向国家有关机关控诉,受聘对相关人员进行职务犯罪预防、高管职业刑事风险防控等方面的培训;

● 在侦查阶段为当事人提供法律帮助:会见犯罪嫌疑人,了解涉嫌罪名和有关案件的情况,为犯罪嫌疑人提供法律咨询,为犯罪嫌疑人申请取保候审,代理申诉和控告;

● 审查起诉阶段为犯罪嫌疑人辩护:查阅、摘抄、复制案件有关诉讼文书、技术性鉴定材料,与犯罪嫌疑人会见和通信,调查和收集犯罪嫌疑人无罪或罪轻的有关证据材料,向检察机关提出相关意见;

● 审判阶段为被告人辩护:在一审、二审过程中,查阅、摘抄、复制案件有关材料;与被告人会见和通信,调查和收集犯罪嫌疑人无罪或罪轻的有关证据材料,参加法庭审理,提出被告人无罪或罪轻的辩护意见;

● 死刑复核阶段为被告人辩护:与被告人会见和通信,调查和收集犯罪嫌疑人无罪或罪轻的有关证据材料,提出被告人无罪或罪轻或不应核准死刑的辩护意见;

● 代理刑事附带民事诉讼案件:接受当事人的委托,结合刑事案件的具体情况,提出民事赔偿部分的整体解决方案,并参见法庭审理,陈述代理意见。

Criminal litigation and other relevant procedures are also the basic service fields of FORD. We act as an agent of organs, enterprises and

institutions to accuse employee of duty criminal to related organs of the state. Our professional criminal lawyers can provide criminal

law services on defense, bail, appeal, and complaint; investigate and collect exculpatory evidence for the suspects in order to protect

the suspect's legitimate rights and interests.

Our Expertise

* Acting as an agent of organs, enterprises and institutions to accuse employee of duty criminal to related organs of the state, providing

training on the aspects such as prevention of duty crimes and the crime risk control of the executive staff to related personnel upon the

request of enterprises and government office;

* Providing legal assistance to the suspect at the investigation stage: meeting with the suspect to understand the situation of the

alleged offenses and the case; providing legal advice for the criminal suspects, applying for bail for the suspect; appealing or


* Defending the suspect at the prosecution stage: consulting, extracting and duplicating the litigation documents and case file

pertaining to the case; meeting and communicating with the suspect, investigating and collecting the exculpatory evidence relating to

the case which can prove suspect is not guilty or less guilty than charged , and presenting arguments to the prosecution authority;

* Defending the defendant at the trial stage: consulting, extracting and duplicating the documents pertaining to the case in the first

instance and second instance; meeting and communicating with the defendant, investigating and collecting the exculpatory evidence

relating to the case which can prove the defendant is not guilty or less guilty than charged, attending the trial, and presenting defense

arguments that the defendant is not guilty or less guilty than charged;

* Defending the defendant at the death penalty review stage: meeting and communicating with the defendant, investigating and

collecting the exculpatory evidence relating to the case which can prove the defendant is not guilty or less guilty than charged, and

presenting defense arguments that the defendant is not guilty or less guilty than charged or that the death penalty shall not be


* Handling criminal lawsuit with incidental civil action: accepting the client’s commission to make the civil claims according to

specific circumstances of the criminal case, attending the trial and presenting the claims.