



孚道律师通晓房地产建设法律、法规和惯例,熟悉房地产实际通行之商业规则,曾成功处理大量房地产法律事务,具有丰富的执业经验。在房地产建设领域,提供从项 目公司设立、立项、融资直至销售和物业管理全过程的法律服务,客户范围涉及众多行业,包括银行、非银行金融机构、投资开发商、销售代理商、承建商、供应 商、设计单位、物业公司、政府机构和物业买卖、租赁、担保的机构以及个人等。


● 国有土地使用权出让、转让、出租、抵押

● 土地征用、拆迁补偿

● 工程项目招投标

● 建设工程承包合同草拟和谈判

● 房地产项目收购、融资和信托

● 房地产贷款、担保、抵押和租赁

● 商品房预售、销售、租赁与物业管理


● 房地产开发与经营纠纷的争议解决

FORD lawyers have extensive knowledge and experience in real estate laws, regulations and business

traditions. We have successfully handled a lot of cases involving real estate and construction work. We

advise clients on all areas of real estate and construction work, including project programming, financing,

selling and the property maintenance & management. Our clients include banks, nonbank financial

institutions, manufacturers and developers, sales agencies, contractors, suppliers, design institutes,

property companies, government offices, real estate agencies, guarantee agencies, as well as individuals.

Our Expertise

* The assignment, transfer, lease, mortgage of the right to the use of state-owned land

* The compensation for land requisition and relocation

* Invitation of tender and submission of tender for construction projects

* Negotiating and drafting construction project contracts

* The acquisition, financing and trust of real estate project

* Loans, guarantees, mortgages and leasing of the real estate

* Pre-sale, sales, leasing and property management of real estate

* Lawyer witness on real estate mortgage

* Dispute resolutions during the hand over development and management