




在劳 资事务方面,孚道律师不满足于纠纷的解决,而是更加重视劳资风险的防范和化解。《劳动合同法》和《劳动调解仲裁法》颁布以来,孚道律师为了满足企业的需 求,组织多名经验丰富的律师成立了劳资风险控制项目组,专门为企业开发出劳资风险控制方案。该方案以降低企业用工成本、保证企业用工的自由空间为直接目 标,已被数十家企业采用。实践证明,劳资风险控制方案能够帮助企业防范和化解大量劳资纠纷,为企业节省大量用工成本和人力资源管理成本。


● 劳动纠纷的处理:劳动仲裁、诉讼、和解谈判


(1) 员工手册、工资制度、考勤制度、社保制度、考核制度、处罚制度和职工代表大会制度等全套劳动人事管理制度;

(2) 劳动合同、保密协议、竞业禁止协议和培训协议等关键劳动人事合同;

(3) 劳动人事日常管理使用的配套表格;

(4) 集体劳动合同的谈判及签订方案;

(5) 高管及核心员工聘任中的激励机制及风险控制;

(6) 企业减员计划和方案;

(7) 企业并购及改制中人员安置和成本控制方案;

(8) 破产企业人员安置及经济补偿方案。


Ⅳ. Labor disputes & Labor issues

FORD lawyers have handled a lot of labor disputes and acquired a lot of experience from the litigation

and arbitration. We can provide professional and considerate service to clients.

FORD lawyers will not only focus on the solution to the labor disputes when handling the cases, but also

pay more attention to the risk control and prevention of the labor disputes. FORD has set up a special

team for labor relation risk control and developed some practical labor risk control solutions to meet the

demand of the enterprises since the Labor Contract Law and The Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration

Law was promulgated. The risk control solutions are focusing on reducing the labor cost and keeping the

freedom to choose employees for the enterprises which have been adopted by tens of company clients.

It has been proved that our labor risk control solutions can help the enterprises prevent and solve a lot of

labor disputes, save labor cost and human resource management expenses.

Our Expertise

*Handling labor disputes: arbitration, litigation or negotiation of labor disputes

*Making customized risk control plans to labor issues for clients which including:

ⅰ. Comprehensive labor management such as employee handbook, salary system, attendance system,

social security system, performance appraisal system, penalty system, employee congress system;

ⅱ. Labor contract, confidential agreement, noncompetition agreement, training agreement and other

key labor management contracts;

ⅲ. Supporting forms in the daily labor management work;

ⅳ. Negotiating and signing plan for the collective labor contracts;

ⅴ. Incentive system and risk control plan for the senior management staff and the key employees;

ⅵ. Corporate downsizing plan and program;

ⅶ. Employee placement program and cost control in the corporate reform or M&A;

ⅷ. Employee placement and financial compensation program in the corporate bankruptcy.

*Practical training in labor and personnel management