



公 司业务主要是指公司专项法律事务。孚道已建立起全面的人才结构和服务体系,并形成自己独有的专业分工和流程管理。孚道律师熟悉《公司法》等相关法律专业知 识和操作技巧,具有很强的综合业务操作能力。孚道曾先后为众多股份制公司、有限责任公司、中外合资、中外合作、外商独资及外商投资股份有限公司、公司集团 等企业及其实际控制人提供公司设立、兼并、债权/债务重组等专项法律服务。


● 公司设立与法人治理结构的完善:作为专项法律咨询顾问,孚道律师与投资方积极沟通、密切配合,在公司设立阶段全盘考虑,从企业战略、融资方式、股权结构、公司治理、关键业务流程、税务、关务、法务、劳资等角度提供咨询意见及解决方案,并代为办理公司注册登记手续。

● 公司改组、并购:以股权或资产转让、置换、抵押、公司合并、分立等法律手段为核心措施,进行尽职调查、策划改组方案或交易结构、出具专项法律意见、参与项目谈判、起草合同文本,并负责组织实施。

● 债权/债务重组:为客户梳理复杂的债权债务关系,进行尽职调查、出具专项法律意见,设计符合客户商业战略和风险控制目标的债权/债务重组方案,参与重组谈判、起草合同文本,并负责组织实施。

● 股东代表诉讼:在公司怠于通过诉讼手段追究有关侵权人员的民事责任及实现其它权利时,接受股东的委托为了公司的利益而依据法定程序以公司或股东名义提起诉讼,以维护公司的权益,特别是维护非控股股东(小股东)的权益。

● 公司清算:公司股东决定关闭公司时,受公司或股东委托,对公司进行全盘清算,保障股东利益并使公司顺利退出市场。

● 公司破产:依据人民法院的指定,担任破产公司管理人,与债权人协商提出重整、和解或破产分配方案。

The corporate legal businesses refer to the special corporate legal services. FORD has set up a

comprehensive personnel structure andservice system, and formed unique professional divisions and

process management. The lawyers of FORD have extensive practical experience and academic training

in Company Law andother relevant laws. FORD have provided legal services involving theestablishment

of company, M&A, debt restructuring and so on to many shareholding companies, limited liability

companies,joint ventures, Sinoforeign cooperative companies, wholly foreignowned companies,

corporationswith foreign investment, group corporations.

Our Expertise

*Improving the company structure and corporate governance: as legal advisor, FORD lawyers will give an

overall consideration for the corporation from the beginning and provide advice and solutions to the issues

of corporate strategy, financing, ownership structure,corporate governance, key business processes,

taxation, customs, legal work, labor relations etc. through effective communication and close cooperation

with the investors. FORD may also handle the registration procedures.

*Corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions: for the transfer, exchange, or mortgage of equity or

assets,merger, division and other legal work, conducting due diligence, planning for the restructuring of

the program or transaction structure, providing legal advice, joining in the project negotiations, drafting

contracts, and being responsible for the organization and implementation.

*Debt restructuring: conducting due diligence and providing legal advice for reorganizing complex debtor-creditor relationship for the

clients, designing debt restructuring program according to the  business strategies and risk control

requirement of the clients; participating in restructuring negotiations, drafting contracts, and being

responsible for organizing and implementation.

*Shareholder derivative suit: appearing in a lawsuit brought by a corporation shareholder against the

directors, management and/or other shareholders of the corporation, for a failure by management. The

suing shareholder may entrust FORD lawyers to act on behalf of the corporation, and to take action for the

benefit of the company and all of its shareholders. This type of suit often arises whenthere is fraud,

mismanagement, self dealing and/or dishonesty which are being ignored by officers and the Board of

Directors of acorporation.

*Liquidation of the company: making overall liquidation program for the company when the shareholders

of the company decide to close the company, making sure the company may withdraw from business

successfully and the interests of shareholders are well-protected.

*The bankruptcy of the company: According to the court order, acting as the manager of the bankrupt

companies,and making plans in consultation with creditors concerning the restructuring, settlement or

the distribution issues.